Thursday, November 14, 2019

FACTs about UY Scuti ,the biggest known star


UY Scuti is the largest known star in the galaxy and it is very beautiful as compared to other star because it is very very big as compared to sun.
The diameter of UY Scuti star is 1,188,426,400km. This is very big diameter as compared to the sun because sun have a diameter is about 1,391,000km.
UY Scuti compair with earth : 
Let suppose the earth is the size of football (soccer,America).In this scenario,the sun would be 22 metres wide,about the size of a seven story building.
And UY Scuti would be 38 km wide,four times height of Mt Everest.
UY Scuti location:
Even with its monstrous size ,UY Scuti's brightness drops to +9 magnitude and sometimes as low as +11,thanks to the obscurity of the Zone of Avoidance and the 95000 light years between us.
      The star is still an easy catch with any 4 inch or larger telescopes on decently dark nights . Find the constellation Scutum . UY Scuti is located about 2°north of 5th magnitude Gamma Scuti and 4° southwest of 4th magnitude Alpha Scuti just below the tail of Aquila.

How far away is UY Scuti:
9500 light year away ,UY Scuti is in a dense star field in the so called Zone of Avoidance in space the area of space obscured by the milky Way's disk. The star is so gigantic,and so luminous, that even with the impending stars and space dust,you can see it with binoculars on a dark night.
What will happen if UY Scuti hits a black hole: 
The UY Scuti is the biggest known star in the galaxy.with a diameter 2.3 billion km ,it located 48 quadrillion km away ,near the centre of our galaxy
What happen when UY Scuti hits a medium size black hole:they both get closer and UY Scuti will feal intense gravily and they will start circling each other ,black hole will begin sucking matter and star getting bigger with time ,this will go on for a long time.finaly UY Scuti will break down and become a park of black hole .
Based on current models of stellar evolution , UY Scuti has begun to fuse helium,and continues to fuse hydrogen in a shell around the core. The location of UY Scuti deep within the Milky Way disc suggests that it is a metalrich star.
After fusing heavy element ,it's core will begin to produce iron , disrupting the balance of gravity and radiation in its core and resulting in a core collapse supernova.It is expected that star like UY Scuti Should evolve back to hotter temperature to become a yello hypergiant, luminous blue variable,or a Wolf-rayet star,creating a strong stellar wind that will eject it's outer layer and expoe the core before exploding as a type llb,lln,or type lb/lc supernova.Uni

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